Friday, March 2, 2012

Mother's Little Helper

Ok, so this week's FNP is Oskar Blues Mama's Little Yella Pils, and I just seriously considered writing a song about it to the tune of the Stones' song of a similar title.  Then I realized that if I were actually that creative and/or talented I would probably be doing more than writing this blog each week!  Why tax myself on a Friday?!

Oksar Blues Brewing
Mama's Little Yella Pils
(Bohemian Pilsner)
5.3% ABV
35 IBUs

Sometimes I just get something in my head (my mother calls it getting a bee in your bonnet, but since I wouldn't be caught dead in a freakin' bonnet, I tend not to use the phrase.  Plus, who wants to admit they sound like their mother?), and I just need to do it.  For whatever reason I had it in my head that I wanted to feature a pilsner.  It almost happened last week, but the Whole Foods beer guy (not Greg...) talked me out of the one I was looking at.  This week they had Mama's Little Yella Pils on draft, so I figured it was worth a shot.  Always better to try beer on draft. 

Since I am apparently not feeling so creative today, I'm taking the easy way out.  The following is the cheap and sleazy review.  Not that Mama doesn't deserve better...

Appearance: straw yellow, brilliantly clear, rocky white head 
Aroma: earthy, sulfur.  Smells like a lager.
Taste: pleasantly mild sweet, malt flavor.  Soft hop bitterness
Mouthfeel: medium bodied, medium to high carbonation
Overall:  Overall I think Mama deserves some consideration as you peruse your local beer aisle(s).  It's a drinkable beer with no exteme aromas or flavors, and I think it would be a refreshing choice as we head toward warmer weather here in Richmond!  I wouldn't hesitate to bring some to the first cookout of the season, but I would make sure I had some kick ass IPAs in the fridge as back up.

To my New England friends and family, I hope you were all safe and sound as the snow fell this week (read: I hope you had enough good beer on hand to enjoy it!)!

Wishing you all a relaxing, enjoyable weekend!

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