Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Rub a Dub Dub, drank me some Old Chub!

Old Chub is an 8% Scottish style ale from Oskar Blues, one of the craft breweries responsible for reviving beer in a can!  GOOD beer that is.  At the top of one of their print ads for another of their beers (Dales Pale) it says "fuh-can-eh".  And sadly, my juvenile sense of humor finds that to be pretty darn funny!  If only I could be that clever!

Anyhow, Old Chub is the second consecutive Scottish ale I have reviewed, and while very good, my unrefined palate preferred last week's offering (Dirty Bastard), and not just because of the name (juvenile humor, remember?).  I was actually going to do a side by side comparison, but my pinter in crime was unavailable once again, and I didn't really want to drink them both myself.  Plus, I was feeling lazy.  It was Friday after all.  The beer pours a dark mahogany color with a thin head, and left little to no lace.  Subdued chocolate and smoky notes are present in the aroma, but I found them to be TOO subdued in the flavor of the beer.  Based on the aroma, I expected a bit more punch in the flavor department.  Not a disappointing beer by any means, and I would certainly drink it again if the mood for a Scottish Ale struck me.  That is if someone was buying, because that stuff is EXPENSIVE! 

On a side note, I was a little concerned about what "chub" actually was.  I was expecting it to be some sort of street slang for something nasty.  So, being the dork that I am, I first "googled" it, then looked it up on the super cool dictionary on my phone.  The first offerings on google were harmless enough since it brought me to the Oskar Blues site.  For those of you still reading, the official "Beck's Phone Dictionary" definition of "chub" is a common freshwater fish, including European and American species.  If there is a perverse definition of the word, I am unaware of it, and prefer to remain so.

No clue what's in store for this week's FNP, but I'm sure I can find SOMEthing!

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