Friday, January 27, 2012

The Chocolate Trend Continues...

The Vixen (Chocolate Chili Bock)
8.5% ABV
Sam Adams (Boston Beer Co.)
Boston, MA
This one's for you Matt...(

This week's FNP is in honor of my blogger friend Matt, who in a comment awhile ago (thanks for reading Matt!) mentioned he couldn't find this beer (he is also the person who inspired this blog, so you have him to thank, or hate, for my presence in your lives each week...).  So despite the fact that I did a chocolate beer last week, I decided I would take advantage of the availability of this beer while I can.  I'll admit the choice scared me a little bit, because although I am a HUGE fan of chili, I wasn't sure how I would feel about those flavors in my beer.  I would call this beer a "pleasant surprise", as I fully anticipated not liking it (what kind of a freak buys a beer they think they're not going to like?).

Right away the sulfur smell of a lager hits the nose (I find this in most of the Sam Adams lager beers), but quickly gives way to the pleasant, chocolate aromas.  The cinnamon flavor is there, but not overwhelming.  Little to no hop aroma, but you get the bitterness of the noble hops in the finish, which I think is perfect for this beer.  I didn't get much chili flavor or spiciness, but the beer leaves your gums tingling a bit (not NUMB Dottie), which I am guessing is the combination of chilies and carbonation (there was a bit more carbonation than I expected, but I think it works).

I think The Vixen is a great beer to pair with chili or dry rubbed ribs, or as a night cap (NOT a breakfast drink in my opinion, but if you are so inclined to try, I won't discourage you).  Probably one of the more interesting beers I have tried in awhile, and I would certainly encourage the purchase, especially for the price ($5.99 for the 22 oz. bottle).

Some quick thoughts on last weeks' purchases...Wolavers Organic IPA-good, not great.  Definitely worth the $6.99 I paid for the six-pack (on sale at WF).  Support New England Brewers!  The Hop Manna was ok, but I think could have been a little more balanced (too much citrusy hop flavor going on).  Founders Centennial IPA is a regular in this house, and is probably one of the more balanced IPAs out there, in my humble opinion.  Firestone Walker's Union Jack (LOVE this beer) was the weekend's "kick off" beer (if you don't understand what this means, I'm not explaining it to you...).  Haven't broken into the Mephistopheles' Stout will be opened shortly, the other will be in the beer fridge until at least next winter (along with a few others) husband just shakes his head when I do these things.

A quick shout out to my brewer friend Dave, who has been so supportive, patient, and understanding of my inexplicable desire to learn all there is to know about beer, the brewing process, and the industry, and who I think shares my passion for what it takes to be a part of it all.  THANKS DAVE!

To all (3? 4?) of you who read my blog, thank you!  If even one of you takes something of value (even if it's amusement!) away from this, it will have been more than worth my time!


Friday, January 20, 2012

Friday Noon Pints

I know what you are thinking, but no, hell hasn't frozen over.  Although I could swear I saw flying pigs somewhere last week...

Anyhow, here we are again at FRIDAY!  And here I am posting the Friday Night Pint, on time, and maybe a little early! 

So, there I am in the Whole Foods beer aisle, at 8:30 am, as usual, staring at the selection and silently daring myself to get something a little different.  To make a long story short (I tend to ramble in case you haven't noticed...), I spent a few minutes chatting with the "beer guy" who approached me, and I ended up trying 3 different beers from their draft selections (Avery Mephistopheles' Stout, Scotch De Silly, and Hebrew Hop Manna IPA), and leaving with the following: 32 oz. growler of Hebrew Hop Manna IPA, 2 bottles of Avery Mephistopheles' Stout, a six pack of Wolavers Organic IPA and Centennial IPA, a four pack of Terrapin's Moo-Hoo Milk Chocolate Stout, and a bomber of Firestone Walker Union Jack.  In my defense (because I can just see the incredulous looks on your faces), it IS a pretty big football weekend (imagine what my beer purchases will be like if, I mean WHEN, the Pats make it to the Superbowl?!).  AND, my addiction is to "buying and trying".  I'm not drunk 24/7 as most of you probably assume.  This probably won't fly when the divorce papers arrive, but I'll cross that bridge when I come to it... 

Anyhow, I decided to feature Terrapin's Moo-Hoo Chocolate Milk Stout for several reasons.  The name is just funny, the label amuses me, AND, most importantly, I felt better about drinking it before, uhh, five o'clock, because it's described on the label as a "chocolate milk stout", and therefore clearly is meant to be a breakfast drink.  Umm, right?

Moo-Hoo Chocolate Milk Stout
6% ABV
Terrapin Beer Co.
Athens, GA
This beer pours dark brown with a two finger head (if you pour the damn thing right).  The head stays and leaves a pretty good lace throughout.  It's fairly light in body, bordering on thin which would be a turn off for me if it weren't for the great flavor.  Light chocolate flavor and bready malts actually make me think this might be good for breakfast...once in awhile (hey, you probably don't think mimosas or bloody mary's for breakfast are weird, DO you?).  Very little, if any hop aroma, but a good balance of subtle, spice hop in the flavor.  There was a weird metallic taste at the beginning, but I didn't notice it after the first sip or two, so I attribute it to one of two things: flavor came from the cap, or it's because this is (according to the label) the 2010 version of this "seasonal" beer.  Noticed this about halfway through...
I should really pay more attention...

So, either I got suckered into buying old "seasonal" beer, OR, I totally got a bargain on an "aged" beer!  I'm going with the latter (even though at 6% ABV this isn't a great beer for aging...)!  Who likes to think they got suckered?

A good beer if you're in the mood for something to have with dessert (or breakfast if you can handle the flak you'll take for it...).  I can't help but wonder what a "fresh" bottle would taste like?

Now, don't fall off your chairs because you are reading this long before "happy hour" starts (and don't call the police, DYS, or my husband).  In order to bring you timely, more thoughtful reviews of a new beer each week, I have decided that I'll get to it a bit earlier (how early will be on a need to know basis..), because quite honestly, by Friday evening, I just want to DRINK a beer, and not analyze it. This also might give those of you who actually read this an opportunity to pick up a bottle of the featured beer, if it sounds like something you might enjoy.

So, I hope you will take advantage of my attempt to broaden you beer horizons and try Moo-Hoo, or any of the other featured craft beer offerings!

Until next week...

P.S. GOOOO Pats!

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Deadlines are for people who get paid to do this...

...hence, I am still poor and feel somewhat justified (but a little guilty) for never having this up on an actual Friday...

We all (and by this I mean serious beer drinkers-even those committed to the "big 3") have our "go to" breweries.  The ones to which our hard earned money is most frequently distributed.  For me, one of these breweries is Avery Brewing.  I have yet to be disappointed in a beer that I have selected from them, so, this week's Friday Night Pint was another offering from Avery....Hog Heaven,which is described on the bottle as a "dry hopped barleywine style ale".  Now the way I see it, you're either a barleywine, or you're not.  Can I describe myself as a "sturdy brunette style slender blonde"?  Probably.  But it wouldn't take you long to figure out the description was a crock of sh*t.

But I digress.  Hog Heaven is copper colored, medium+ bodied beer, with low hop aroma, but a surprising hop flavor (you don't expect it based on the subdued hop aroma).  A very thin white head disappears quickly, but leaves a great lace on the glass.  The beer has a distinct sweetness, but finished very dry.  Despite the fairly high 9.2% ABV this is a very drinkable, and overall, a good beer.  However, the characteristics seemed very similar to many Imperial IPAs I have tried (admittedly, I have tried very few barleywines, but I have tried LOTS of Imperial IPAs).  Not a bad thing, but maybe that explains the odd description on the bottle.  Maybe they just couldn't decide what kind of beer this actually was, so they called it "a barleywine style ale", instead of just a barleywine.*  Please do not view the picture below if you have a strange fear of flying pigs.

Stolen from their website because I couldn't get my picture to download nerd I am not.
So, there you have it.  Friday Night Pints, on a Wednesday.  So what else is new.  Stay tuned for my new strategy for getting this done on time this Friday...

Anyone have any suggestions for a beer for me to try?  Sometimes I hate making that decision.  I usually feel pressured to leave the beer aisle after the second or third employee asks if I need help.  Nope, just an indecisive beer stalker.  So, if there are any suggestions out there, let me have 'em!!  I'll even mention you in the blog, because that would make you cool. 

Until next time..


*When I was illegally copying and re-using their Hog Heaven label art, I noticed that most (if not all-didn't look because I was in a real hurry to get my blog up a week late...) of their beers are labeled as a "______ style ale".  I guess they don't like being forced to conform to a style, so that gives them leeway?  So confused...

Friday, January 6, 2012


WHERE to begin!?  How about here....

Happy New Year!!!!!!!!!
 The above picture is the cover of the calendar I created for my mother and mother in law for might be a redneck...

So, like November, December was a blur!  BUT, I'm not focusing on the past...let's move on!  The first FNP of 2012 is coming to you on time, and even a little early, becuse I'm cheating just a bit!  Due to a recurring head and chest cold, I CTS (can't taste sh*t!), and I'm not drinking a good beer if I can't taste it!  So instead of a beer I am trying today, I bring to you a FABULOUS beer that I have had the pleasure of drinking several times over the past month (ok, so technically this is a 2011 beer, but it's my blog so I get to make the rules).

Seriously, I would buy this beer just for the label!  And this is pretty much the best picture on my blog so far...don't ya think?
This Gingerbread Stout is the most recent Brewer's Reserve offering from Hardywood Park Craft Brewery here in Richmond, VA (more on that in a  It is a 9.2% ABV milk stout brewed with ginger and honey, sourced locally, and most certainly one of my favorite beers of 2011.  It is a full bodied, sweet beer that would be great as a dessert beer on its own, or paired with apple pie or cheesecake!  I first tried it on draft at Hardywood and have had it several times since from the 22 oz. bomber you see above.  Nothing beats beer straight from the draft, and this was no exception.  Although fantastic from a bottle as well, that first taste on draft was phenomenal!  It's been in high demand and short supply around town, so I am happy that I have had so many opportunities to enjoy it!  I hope it's back next year!  Looking forward to the Coffehouse Stout that's next on the schedule! 

Back to the brewery itself...Hardywood Park officially opened in October 2011.  I attended the "launch party" and was impressed with the quality of the beer and the facility, but I was also amazed at the number of people in attendance!  This small brewery has quickly garnered a cult following, and it doesn't take a genius to figure out why.  They are producing great beer, are very community focused, and seem to have a genuine passion for what they are doing.  Since the launch I have had the pleasure of "working" at the brewery on several occasions and continue to be impressed with the level of professionalism and commitment to quality.  One probably doesn't often think of breweries as classy places, but this place is an exception.  It has a level of class and even elegance that is unexpected, as you will see from the pictures below.

These are pictures from the Hardywood Illumination event, a collaborative celebration of dark beer between Hardywood, Starr Hill, Legend, and Devil's Backbone Brewing...tasteful and elegant...well managed...and well attended!!  In a brewery!  Go figure!

Ok, as if that wasn't enough to make December rock, check out some of the beer related items I got for Christmas...

Some great New England brews I tried while visiting the great city of Keene, NH!  Thanks Tuff and Kelly, and Zach at BrewTopia for the tastes of home!

This is no ordinary pint glass....
A clever find from my SIL who at least knows how I sign my blog...even if she's never read it...

Ok, so how AWESOME is this sign?!  It was a gift from my mother and father in law who apparently have way more faith in my ability to continue with this blog than I do!  With a kick ass sign like this, what choice do I have but to continue to punish my readers with my juvenile sense of humor and borderline obsessive beer behavior?!  Lucky you!!  Now, where to hang it...

Ok, and just little plug for BrewTopia in Keene, NH (  I had read about this place in one of the kazillion beer mags that I get, but hadn't found my way there during the last few visits to New England.  Finally got there this time around and was pleasantly surprised to find Zach, one of the owners, to be genuinely interested in helping us find what we wanted (not that we really knew what that was, but hey, he was ready to help!). Zach was very knowledgeable about the great selection of beer, and I was happy to see a strong showing of local brews!  A little tweaking here and there and this place will be a fantastic beer stop!

I guess that wraps up the first post of 2012!  Looking forward to getting back to a weekly post for you all to, ah, enjoy.

Best wishes for a happy and healthy new year full of great beer!